
Showing posts from May, 2021

Goodbye to an Old Friend / App

 I first installed Evernote on an iPhone in July of 2008, when the iOS App Store opened. I have been (oops, force of habit - had been) an Evernote ever since.  I was not just a casual user. It was consistently one of,or the, most used app throughout my work days and at home. I used it to take notes at client sites and when I was studying, to clip articles from the web, and to take notes and organize my life outside of work.  I used it on my phones, on many Windows PCs, many Macs, and in web browsers when necessary. Hell, I even still have a tshirt with their elephant logo (these notes help you never forget) that must be 10+ years old. This one, although the handsome fellow wearing it is not me - it's via geekshirthq: And now, after nearly thirteen years of Evernote being my best app friend (baf instead of bff?) we are not best friends any more. We're more like just past acquaintances.  For the last three months I've been using Nimbus Note , and it has become not just a repl